Monthly Stipend for all Contracted Cadets:
- MS I (Freshman): $420
- MS II (Sophomore): $420
- MS III (Junior): $420
- MS IV (Senior): $420
ROTC Scholarships
- The following ROTC Scholarships receive full tuition fees or room and board per year, with $1,200 for textbooks.
Four-Year Scholarship
- The Four-Year Scholarship is for high school students planning to attend a four-year college program. Contact your high school academic advisor or campus Military Science department for more information.
Three-Year Scholarship
- The three-year scholarship is available for students already enrolled in a college or university with three academic years remaining.
Two-Year Scholarship
- The two-year scholarship is available for those who have two academic years of college remaining
Do you have a specific question about a scholarship?
- Our Admission Officers are available M-F 0800-1600 at 713-743-3883.

Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship
- Many students hope to combine a career in the private sector with service as an Officer in the Reserve components. For these individuals, The Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship presents an ideal opportunity. If selected for one of these scholarships, the student will be guaranteed placement into the Reserve Components upon becoming a Lieutenant. In this way, one can serve the nation as an Army Officer while still pursuing employment opportunities in the private sector of the economy.
National Scholarship Application Information (4yr.)
- The ROTC Scholarship application is conveniently found online. If you are applying for a scholarship, you will first need to create a MY GOARMY account. Once you create an account, you will be sent to the MY GOARMY Log In page. Once you can successfully login to MY GOARMY, you can use your newly created account information to login to the scholarship application page, at http://hs.usarmyrotc.com/dana-na/auth/url_9/welcome.cgi.
- The application deadline is 10 January. All application updates are required to be postmarked by 28 February. If you submit an application via the web, do not submit a hardcopy application as well.
- There are several components of the application. Aside from the online form, scholarship applicants are required to complete The ROTC Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard as part of the High School application process. The assessment consists of three events: Curl-ups, Push Ups, and 1 Mile Run. Upon completion, forward to US Army Cadet Command G2 Incentive Division (FAX: 757-788-5781 or via e-mail to train2lead@usacc.army.mil).
Other ROTC Programs
Simultaneous Membership Program
- This program is for current Army Reserve or National Guard Soldiers who simultaneously participate in ROTC. The benefits include:
- Annual Drill Pay as an E-5 in the Army Reserve/National Guard $3,707
- Army Reserve Montgomery G.I. Bill (M.G.I.B.) “Kicker” $350
- 100% Army Tuition Assistance
- Eligible for Non-Deployable status
Critical Language Incentive Pay
- The Critical Language Incentive Pay program was established in 2008 to encourage Cadets to enroll in a language course considered critical by the Secretary of the Army. Cadets may earn up to $250/month for participating in the program.